YouTube has begun testing a feature that will automatically detect products in a video and show you where to buy them
On the YouTube platform, testing of the Products in This Video feature has begun, according to online sources. It is designed to automatically identify products in the video and create links to them. According to available data, this feature is currently available to a limited number of video service users in the United States.

The source says that in the middle of last year, the developers had already tested the tool Products in this video, but then it was available to a very small number of users. Now the function will become available to a wider audience, but at this stage it will only cover a certain number of YouTube users from the United States.

At the moment, it is not entirely clear how the new tool will function, but in one of the developers blogs, a source found information that testing began on March 22. “We are experimenting with a new feature that will display a list of products in a video, as well as a list of similar products. The function will display a list between the recommended videos and users will be able to see it when scrolling the tape with videos. The goal is to help users get more product information on YouTube, ”the developers said.

The new feature is expected to allow Google to gain a certain share of the lucrative affiliate link market, as well as link e-commerce to uploading videos to the platform. Officials from YouTube have not yet disclosed data on how exactly it is planned to develop and monetize this tool in the future.
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